Author Submission Information
Address all submissions to submissions~AT~cell2soul·org.
General Policies
Remember that brevity is the soul of wit. Though there is no length limit, articles of less than 2000 words are preferred. If accepted, the editorial staff may suggest edits to improve clarity and reduce length.
Please make clear if your submission has been published previously elsewhere or if its appearance in Cell 2 Soul will be its first time published. If the work has been previously published, please make sure you have permission to publish it again and provide references to previous publications. (e.g., Reprinted with kind permission from Hoolet: The magazine of the Royal College of General Practitioners in Scotland.) If it was an online publication, please provide us with the appropriate hyperlink to the publication so we can include it with your piece.
Review Process
Manuscripts are read by members of the editorial staff and sometimes by outside reviewers. You will be notified if your submission is accepted and the issue of Cell 2 Soul in which it will appear.
Typing Arrangement
Submit your article electronically in either Microsoft Word or Rich Text Format. If you're writing on a Macintosh, we have found that saving in Rich Text Format usually does a better job of preserving formatting when opened on a PC.
If you are referencing other web sites in the body of your article or in references, use square brackets to indicate both text that should appear as a hyperlink and the link address; e.g. The article appeared in [Cell2Soul]. []
Provide a title, author name(s), and institutional affiliations of the
author(s) where applicable. An abstract of 100-300 word is helpful to readers. Please also include a short author bio(s) of 75-150 words, which will appear as a link from your article.
Tables, Figures, Legends, and Pictures
If you are including tables, figures, legends or pictures, please provide an appropriate caption and indicate where you would like them to appear within the article.
Pictures and Photographs
Please submit pictures and photographs electronically in either JPEG, GIF, or PNG formats. File size must be under 500KB. You must hold the copyright, or have the copyright holder's permission to submit the photo. We will make every effort to preserve the quality and intent of the image; we also reserve the right to crop, resize, or reduce the file size of the image to fit the layout of the site.
Please follow standard reference format:
1. Gilgamesh: a new English version [by] Stephen Mitchell. New York : Free Press, 2004
2. Osler, W. Aequanimitas: with other addresses to medical students, nurses and practitioners of medicine. Philadelphia : Blakiston, 1905
Letters to the Editor
We welcome letters to the editor addressing published articles as well as comments on the website and/or topics pertaining to the medical humanities. Well-written letters relevant to our readership will be published. Send letters to submissions~AT~cell2soul·org.
Book Reviews
We will consider publishing well-written book reviews submitted by our readership. Books for review may be sent to the Editors at submissions~AT~cell2soul·org. Please provide detailed information on the book (title, author, number of pages, publisher, and ISBN if possible).
If your writing or images are accepted for publication in Cell 2 Soul, you retain the copyright to your work as well as control of your intellectual property. If you decide to submit an article already published in Cell 2 Soul to another publication, we would appreciate your requesting our permission and providing a reference to Cell 2 Soul. For example: "This article first appeared in the Spring 2005 issue of Cell 2 Soul and is reprinted here with permission of that journal. Cell 2 Soul can be found on the web at" We would appreciate if the reference also included a mention of (for printed publications) or a hyperlink to (for online publications) the Cell 2 Soul website, as illustrated in the example.
We agree with the philosophy of the Budapest Open Access Initiative, which promotes the concept of free and unrestricted access to all curious minds.
If your paper discusses a specific patient, please respect his/her privacy by changing names and demographic facts to protect identities.
Drug Names
Generic names of drugs should generally be used. When proprietary brands are deemed necessary, the brand name and the name of the manufacturer may be added in parentheses.