Why Cell 2 Soul?
Cell 2 Soul is an online journal that celebrates and explores the many meanings of health and "dis-ease." It draws on the arts, the social sciences and the biological sciences. Rather than an "expert system," it is designed to be a locus where professionals, patients and their families can meet on a level playing field. The journal provides us all with an opportunity to learn from each other as well as to teach.
While there are countless medical journals globally, even some that focus on the medical humanities, Cell 2 Soul may be the first designed for both the laity as well as professionals.
Through essays, humor, poetry, stories and shared collective wisdom,
Cell 2 Soul aims to enrich the global community of patients and their care givers, roles in which we are all likely to find ourselves one day.
Cell 2 Soul is a free, online periodical. Our editorial and advisory board includes a global selection of patients, family members, medical students, residents, physicians, and allied health professionals.
We encourage submissions and contributions of ideas, essays, poems, stories and humor, as well as evidence-based papers relating to the humanities and their interaction with what is called "health care." Cell 2 Soul is a work in progress that will evolve, grow, and change as we share our stories and benefit from the wisdom of our community.
While the people behind Cell 2 Soul volunteer their time, there are costs involved in developing and maintaining the web site. Your voluntary donation of $25 or more to help support this journal would be greatly appreciated. For more information on making a donation to Cell 2 Soul, visit the subscriptions/donations page.
Journal Format
Cell 2 Soul publishes articles "continuously" — i.e. articles are published online as soon as they are peer-reviewed and copy-edited. Interested contributors are encouraged to review our submission guidelines. We will collate articles into "Issues" (2 - 4 per annum) and "Volumes" (one per year).